FAU University – Germany

Introduction to Science and Tech Diplomacy Conference

🎓 I’m happy to announce that I’ve completed the ‘Introduction to Science and Tech Diplomacy’ hybrid course at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, and a huge gratitude to Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi (FAU)✨, Prof. Dr. Claudio Feijoo (UPM)✨, and Ralf Mitschke ✨ for their invaluable guidance and support🌻.
📚The ‘Introduction to Science and Technology Diplomacy’ course provided a unique opportunity for me to connect with talented and inspiring researchers from various countries, all under the mentorship of respected leaders in their respective fields 🌍. It was truly an unforgettable experience of learning and friendship. Especially, engaging with individuals from different backgrounds provided valuable learning.
📍I want to extend special thanks to all the organizing institutions: EELISA European University , The Chair of Science, Technology, and Gender Studies – FAU, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), for their support.
🎉 I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet you and your team again soon for further discussions🌱.

#ScienceTechnologySociety #STS #ScienceDiplomacy #TechDiplomacy #FAU#ProfDrMariaRentetzi#ProfDrClaudioFeijoo#RalfMitschke

Post Author: Arzu Kilitci Calayır

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