Hello, valuable #cisconetworkingacademy community members from the whole world. I want to share my students and my academy “LearnAthon – 2021” experience and also my happiness. The name of my academy is Habitat Derneği. It is one of the powerful organization which is working so hard to create #socialimpact and #socialvalue in the #Turkey ecosystem. In this academy, our students take free-charge training. It is a big opportunity for #lifelonglearners who believe #learningneverstops. Through this academy, I have gained an opportunity for touching my students’ hearts with technology and support them in their future #technology jobs and make awareness and support their job preferences. So, I am very happy to belong a part of this academy as a #volunteer #ciscoinstructortrainer.#volunteersmakeadifference. Also, as a technology passionate ICT trainer #woman, I believe that #trainers must encourage much more students in technology-supported #newworld#digitaljobs. Furthermore, more #girls should be encouraged to be in #STEM as brave and self-confident. In my opinion, in this way, we will able to support #genderequality by #STEMJobs. For a #genderequality future we need more role model women in ICT such as sector members, instructors, etc. So, I suggest all of you being a part of next year’s LearnAthon and make a difference for the #cybersecurity value chain together! In this way, our students, especially #girls will be #hopefully for the future via the power of #global #learning collaboration.
As result, being a part of “LearnAthon – 2021 on #ictday2021” was very meaningful for me! To connect to 1196 students’ home from my home via #PowerOfInternet, #distanceeducation, and #cisconetworkingacademy and support them to be a part of the #global “LearnAthon – 2021” was valuable for taking a chance to contribute to their future #dreams. This #teaching adventure was awesome. Again! Big #thanks to the #cisconetworkingacademy #LearnAthon2021 organization team and all my students, colleagues, managers for their great #learningjourney and big effort to be part of #Futurechange #FutureChallenge #futurebuilding #futureequal.