Blockchain Hackathon Team – Winner 🙂

Our project process in the Blockchain Hackathon sponsored by Sabancı University Blockchain Club, CryptoWomen Turkey and SnapEx 🙂 On Saturday, February 15, 2020, we created and presented our blockchain projects at the blockchain hackathon held at Karaköy Minevra Palas. At the event, 10 teams of 5 people competed to present the best blockchain project. At […]

Europeana Education Workshop in Brussels – 2023

WORKSHOP: “TEACHING&LEARNING FOR A FUTURE EDUCATION” IS A COMMON LANGUAGE AS A “CULTURAL HERITAGE” FOR ALL TEACHERS IN THE WORLD Between June 30 and July 1, I participated in a workshop held in Belgium, and I was proud to receive a certificate of achievement on behalf of my team and country that I had worked […]

Europeana Education Competition 2023

WINNER: “MARSVERSE” INSTRUCTIONAL GAME DESIGN Since 2020, I have been happy to contribute to the “teachwitheuropeana” blog to write learning scenarios for teachers or implement learning scenarios with my students. My learning scenario implementation (SoI) I wrote 2023 year was awarded STEM Discovery Campaign 2023 in the category of SoI, as in the previous year. […]

LearnAthon – 2021 Experience of #Turkey! : To be hopefully for #stemgirls #technologistwomen !

Hello, valuable #cisconetworkingacademy community members from the whole world. I want to share my students and my academy “LearnAthon – 2021” experience and also my happiness. The name of my academy is Habitat Derneği. It is one of the powerful organization which is working so hard to create #socialimpact and #socialvalue in the #Turkey ecosystem. […]

Technologist Women Platform!

I launched the Technologist Women Platform in May with my dear dynamic team members. The first project of our platform is the ‘Digital Mother’ that is supported by the European Union (EU) and Sivil Düşün. Please, click on the link for much information about the platform and our first project ‘Digital Mother‘!

My Learning Scenario: Influential Women in Technology! is Published!

My learning Scenario for teachers published on ‘Teaching With Europena’ Blog. ‘Influential Women in Tech! My goal is: Girls will work actively in technology.In my dream: They will say: “I work in the ICT sector“, “I work as ‘Software Developer’!”, “I work as ‘Web Designer’!”, “I work as ‘Network Engineer’” and more future technology jobs…. […]