The First Step for Cybersecurity Career: Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Cybersecurity Certification

If you have no experience in cybersecurity or have up to 1 year of experience in the field, I recommend obtaining the Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Cybersecurity Certification for your career journey. 📚 The certification exam consists of 45 questions, and you have 50 minutes to answer them. To pass the exam, you need […]

Cisco Academy Advisory Board (2022-2023)

I am excited to announce that I have been selected as a Cisco NetAcad Advisory Board member! 🎈 🎉 A new journey that will start for me full of new discoveries and experiences 🌲Over 10 years, I am very happy to be a part of Networking Academy’s valuable dynamic learning and teaching ecosystem 💕 As […]