I would like to thanks to Prof.Dr. Dr. Şahin Albayrak, Dr. Fikret Sivrikaya, and all DAI-Labor members for the great hospitality.
I want to share my two weeks of training experience as a summary. In fact, I want to share my awareness of tech. I had different training sessions and different subjects but AI was the core subject for some sessions…
In this century physical boundaries are replacing with digital boundaries. Production and consumption become global. So, What should I teach my students to be individuals who will be able to take place in the global competition? When I was at Dai- Labor in Germany, I asked myself this question many times. What impressed me in DAI-Labor? First of all, DAI-Labor researchers use artificial intelligence in all research areas. They develop solutions for real-life problems by using AI. Also, they use artificial intelligence technology like a core technology which can be in every solution to design more efficient systems. Fantastic!
Researchers are working on smart home solutions in DAI-Labor. I saw their smart home showroom. They use sensors and software in devices. The smart home has smart furniture too. For example, you can change the height of the kitchen cabinet with a single button. This idea is amazing. Because they don’t separate tech and smart environment. They perceive the smart environment as a whole while they are developing solutions and manufacturing products. Because of this reason, tech and the environment quickly integrate with each other. This situation reminded me of the user-friendly concept used in the software. The first time, when I met a computer interface which is called MS-DOS :), I was studying information technology at vocational high school. MS-DOS Operating System was first computer-human interaction for me 🙂 But, a few years later, I began to use a Graphical User Interface. It was a revolution for me and also all computer users like me. My mind changed about computers and their usability and functionality. Memories!! I felt the same emotions when I was in the smart home. Because the tech side is a whole with its usability and functionally. It means the smart home is not the only tech. It provides for easy tech-human interaction
Cybersecurity Solutions: They are preparing software which includes AI. I realized that they are working ‘deep’. They develop tools and interfaces for defense cyber attacks.
Energy: They support to use solar and wind energy production. Solar panel investments are increasing rapidly. Therefore, solar panel investments costs are decreasing.