‘Cisco Network Academy’ Seminar for ISMEK Information Technology Teachers

ISMEK – Cisco Academy Program Cooperation started in 2012. Many participants who received free academy training within the scope of the collaboration had the opportunity to take the CCNA exam certification exam at a discount and to have a job in networked expert positions in the industry. ISMEK- Cisco Network Academy received the Cisco Academy Regional Spotlight 2018 Award with its successful instructor staff and students. (https://www.arzukilitci.com/ismek-cisco-akademi-basari-hikayesi-cisco-akademi-bolgesel-spotlight-odulu-2018-cisco-networking-academy-regional-spotlight-awards/)

The Cisco Network Academy (https://www.netacad.com/courses/all-courses) to train specialists sought in the field of IT for the needs of the industry. The ISMEK – Cisco Academy program providing IT training people who live in Istanbul. It also demonstrated the importance of dissemination in its centers. In this context; Cisco Academy training at ISMEK – Fatih Informatics School to be offered to course participants in different regions through IT Technology Field teachers who teach in different regions of Istanbul. Within the scope of this need, I made a presentation about the training and training contents included in the ‘Cisco Networking Academy’ Program. It was included in the process of becoming a Cisco Network Academy trainer, CCNA 7.0 updates and the certification process to our valuable teachers providing information in the field of Information Technologies. 119 valuable teachers from different regions of Istanbul, providing information in the field of Information Technologies, attended my presentation at the ISMEK Fatih Information School.

As result, I hope that my presentation will be beneficial for all participating IT field teachers and that ISMEK – Cisco Academy teacher and student success will increase exponentially. I believe; our valuable teachers will have the opportunity to present an effective career process to their students with the current content in the Cisco Academy program.

Post Author: Arzu Kilitci Calayır

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