6th International Conference on “Innovations in Learning for the Future” 2016: Next Generation October 24-26, 2016, İstanbul, TURKEY

Prof.Dr. Selim Yazıcı , Merve Koçoğlu, Arzu Kilitci

Google Course Builder is also beneficial for teachers too. It provides integration with various applications
very easily. It is compatible with multimedia such as text, pictures, videos, and simulations. Videos from Youtube can be embedded or their link can be given without any problem. It has a calendar embedded and units were designed according to topics and sub-topics automatically in the platform. The teacher does not need to design units himself/herself. The teacher only put the content under the related title. Also, it has an assessment tool where the teacher can prepare multiple-choice tests easily. In the present study, an assessment test was prepared to test students’ progress. Moreover, Course Builder provides a Learning Management System (LMS) without any extra configuration and cost. It shows how many students log in the system, which links do they click, how much time they spent on the web site etc.


Post Author: Arzu Kilitci Calayır

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